About me:
Hello! I'm Kauzz, an Tileset Artist, and I like to drawn modern tilesets. I make premium tiles (commercially) since 2019, but I draw assets for my own games since 2010 and worked in a lot of different projects (including adult and gore ones). Most of my tilesets are 2d top-down, and templated (preseted) to RPG Maker, so, if you are an RPG Maker user you just need to download and insert on the right folder to start to use. But, this doesn't mean you can't use in any other engine, personally, I'm an GameMaker Studio (2.3) user, and I use all of my graphics on GMS2.3 without any problem.
Not open for hire for now.
Contact: kauzzresources@outlook.com
About my assets:
Most of my tiles are city themed, but this doesn't mean I'll never work on another themes, but we still have a lot of different stuff to do for an complete modern city. I actually have some freebies, natural tiles and some plataform tiles too. All the tiles after purchased or downloaded (legally) can be used in any kind of project, games, animation, slides with any kind of content (adult, nsfw or gore inclused)
Recomended Tilesets (48x48)
Premium Tilesets (48x48)
Free Tilesets